
Patch Cafe: a place I’ll surely visit again in Baguio for yummy food and drinks

Next time we visit Baguio, I’d like to eat a meal and dessert at Patch Cafe again! And possibly stay at Bloomfield Hotel, since that’s where Patch Cafe is. 😆

Our third day in Baguio last long weekend was our last day. We weren’t sad to be going soon because we were already satisfied in our adventures.

Burnham Park strolling in the morning before lunch at Patch Cafe

Before heading to Patch Cafe for lunch, we visited Burnham Park first.

I was so happy to see flowers blooming all around Burnham Park on that Baguio visit. Both my companion and I were happy to watch a samoyed and a golden retriever pass by too. We were too shy to approach the owner to ask if we could pet them though. 😆 A few years ago, we visited in August and Burnham Park barely had any flower. Actually, we wouldn’t have planned to visit Burnham Park if I hadn’t seen a friend’s Instagram post of the park with lots of flowers! 😆

Our satisfying lunch and dessert at Patch Cafe in Baguio

Patch Cafe’s ambience

Look at Patch Cafe’s interior:

I liked this kind of ambience. To me, this kind of interior arrangement made me feel like I’m in a cozy house with lots of comfort food waiting for me. 😀 Two other tables were occupied near ours, and I noticed that they’re tables full of Asian foreigners. One table seated several Koreans and 2 locals, the other seated another group of foreigners who I’m not sure if Chinese, Thai or Vietnamese — definitely not Japanese or Koreans. 🙂

Food at Patch Cafe, Baguio

We had chili tuyo pasta and buffalo wings plus banana cookie shake. Then later, for dessert we had chocolate praline and tiramisu cupcake. Also iced latte and brewed coffee.

Our lunch at Patch Cafe

patch cafe (baguio) tuyo pasta, buffalo wings, banana cookie shake
Buffalo wings with blue cheese dip and battered fries, chili tuyo pasta, and banana cookie milkshake at Patch Cafe, Baguio.

banana cookie shake at patch cafe

I had been craving for some creamy banana dessert for days, and at first sight of “Banana Cookie Milkshake” I ordered it right away (like dessert round 1, lol). No regrets! It’s very creamy with that delicious flavor from the banana. The cookie on top was so yummy — crunchy with tasty chocolate chunks. <3 I know the caramel sauce that’s dripping all over the glass is supposed to make the milkshake more yummy, but it made my hand so sticky when I held the glass. I guess one should use napkin when holding such that. xD

chili tuyo pasta

We loved the chili tuyo pasta! Very flavorful, according to my companion. The shredded tuyo is where most of its flavor came from. This tuyo pasta is oil-based, with just a hint of sourness, probably from calamansi. There’s a slice of half a calamansi on the chili tuyo pasta’s plate, in case you want your pasta more sour.

buffalo wings, patch cafe

Buffalo wings from Patch Cafe in Baguio was only slightly spicy and not sour. The flavor was on spot on for what we’re looking for in buffalo wings. 😀 Blue cheese was easy to take out of the blue cheese dip, which was good cos we don’t like blue cheese but like the white dip itself. The fries were battered and crispy which we also liked. These thinly battered fries reminded me of similar fries that I tried at Baguio Craft Brewery. So is thinly battered fries a thing in Baguio or something? 😆 I like it.

Our dessert at Patch Cafe


Patch Cafe’s desserts are of good quality and they are very affordable.

patch cafe baguio dessert
Iced latte, brewed coffee, tiramisu cupcake, and chocolate praline (Patch Cafe, Baguio)
patch cafe baguio dessert cupcakes tiramisu
Hehe. I think the cupcake matches my shirt! And you know what, looking at the colorful plates and cups of somehow Patch Cafe puts me in a better mood. 😀

Let me start with the drinks we ordered for dessert time:


This is iced latte, which my companion called “perfect”. The blend of flavors was perfect that we didn’t add sweetener to it.


And this is brewed coffee and it’s really good. The taste reminded us of Dunkin’ Donuts’ brewed coffee, which is our favorite brewed coffee in Manila.


This dessert called “chocolate praline” was very interesting.


The texture is weird on first bite, but that’s because it’s an uncommon item in dessert stores. The coating was like chocolate ganache that is a bit gelatiney in texture. Inside it is like dark chocolate mousse and hazelnut praline. I’m not sure, but there could also be some sort of wafer layer inside. I loved it too! If I had the chance I would buy a chocolate praline again at Patch Cafe in Baguio. 🙂

tiramisu cupcake at patcha cafe, baguio

Tiramisu cupcake was nice.

tiramisu cupcake at patcha cafe, baguio

Its cake part is basic vanilla cupcake. My companion didn’t like it because to him, it’s not moist. To me it’s not a problem. I know it’s not easy to make moist vanilla cupcakes. 😆 The center and bottom is soaked in coffee syrup. The tiramisu cupcake is topped with fluffy cream cheese frosting.

This is the kind of cupcake that is good quality to me. Larcy’s Cupcakery also makes good quality cupcakes. On a side note, I really don’t know why some people go crazy over Cupcakes by Sonja — their cupcakes are too expensive for the quality (frosting is either too greasy or too gritty with powdered sugar).

I loved everything I tried at Patch Cafe in Baguio! <3

So yeah, like I said, I definitely want to try other items at Patch Cafe when I go back to Baguio someday. From ambience to food quality, Patch Cafe is a comforting place to go in Baguio.

chocolate chip cookies (patch cafe, baguio)
I even ordered some of those chocolate chip cookies for take-out. Hihi


These cookies were crunchy, but still a bit moist inside. And I really liked the choco chips they used. OMNOMNOMNOM~

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An odd human being who happens to have a variety of ever-changing interests, but right now they are programming, making up silly song/rap lyrics, K-pop, drawing, creating unique dessert/drink flavors, obsessing about finding out how some things works, automation, anime, video games... Ran online dessert shops Cookies PH and Catzie's Cakery in her past life.

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