I always wanted to try the GrabTaxi app. Booking from them is expensive, but security is an important thing that they can give passengers so that’s okay. But my attempts have never been successful. I think it’s a combination of bad signalling from GrabTaxi and bad internet connection in my house.
How to install a WHMCS Theme
Today my task at work is to install a WHMCS Theme from whmcsthemes.com. WHMCS Themes has this theme installation instruction video, but I find it a bit difficult to follow cos I have to pause from time to time. So I took down notes in Notepad. And in case there are people searching for these, […]
Windows 7 ASUS Issue: Auto-hides taskbar and changes wallpaper to default with Power4Gear Hybrid
I encountered this issue several times while using an ASUS computer with Power4Gear Hybrid (Windows 7). When I turned the computer on I noticed that my desktop wallpaper was changed into a light gray ASUS wallpaper, and that my taskbar was set to auto-hide. Prior to shutting down, I’m sure my wallpaper was a personalized […]
Free Download: ShootMe.apk for Android
ShootMe is an Android app for taking screen caps on Android devices. It’s very popular, but has been removed by the developer from the Android Market for some reason. IIRC, it’s said to take screencaps just by shaking your Android device. Here’s a download link to a ShootMe.apk file. Let me know if it works […]
Windows 7 – if you cannot open Gadgets menu or some Gadgets are hidden
There was a problem in my Windows 7 desktop a while ago. Supposed to be, there were two Gadgets in there, and I noticed the other is missing. I thought maybe I just accidentally removed it, so I decided to open the Gadgets menu to place it on my Windows 7 desktop again. BUT when […]

Photoshop CS5 for Dummies (Free PDF Ebook Download) by Barbara Obermeier
Photoshop CS5 all-in-one for Dummies (2010) is written by Barbara Obermeier and may be considered 9 books in one, as it covers the following topics in digital graphics editing and design: • Photoshop Fundamentals • Image Essentials • Selections • Painting, Drawing, and Typing • Working with Layers • Channels and Masks • Filters and […]
Workaround if Adobe Photoshop CS5 won’t save files because of screen resolution
I just installed Adobe Photoshop CS5. I finished the graphic I was working on and so, hit Ctrl + S. Nothing happened. Chose Save, as well as Save As from the File menu, and still nothing happened. Save for Web and Devices works, but I needed to save my file in .PSD format. After some […]
Skype: How to minimize to system tray in Windows 7
I’ve been using Skype to communicate with some colleagues and my boss, for my part time job as web developer & graphic designer. There’s one thing that often annoyed me, regarding the Skype window. When I am busy working and have a lot of windows open, and want to minimize Skype to the system tray, […]
Opening MS Office 2007 files in MS Office 2003
For our school work, Microsoft Office is very much used. Students exchange MS Office files with one another for homework and projects. Based on my observation, each time a file in MS Office 2007 format (.docx, .pptx, or .xlsx) is sent to a student who uses MS Office 2003, that receiving student complains, and either […]