If you want to trace the name of the method that’s being executed, the Java code snippet in this page might help you. This is especially handy when you are debugging by tracking every method that is executed. You can enclose these lines of codes in a function that you call in every method — […]
Android: underline text in your app
When I need to underline text in an app that I’m developing, I like doing it programmatically. The code is in the Java file, not in the XML. Maybe we should make a function for this where we pass the ID of the TextView whose content we’d like to underline.
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TextView myTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.myTextViewID); String htmlString = "<u>" + myTextView.getText() + "</u>"; myTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(htmlString)); |
Disadvantages in this method: […]
Android: dimensions cheat sheets for graphic designers AND developers
Just sharing the link to a “cheat sheet” that I found: Android Cheatsheet for Graphic Designers I think that this resource should have been said to be for developers too, because developers need to know about dimensions of graphics in the Android apps they develop.
Android transparent overlay without View
We’re not going to use ViewOverlay here. We’ll use Dialog instead. The overlay does not show on button click. What I did was let the overlay appear when the activity is loaded. First, create the XML file for the contents of that dialog overlay. \app\src\main\res\layout\popup_content.xml
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:background="#78000000" android:padding="@dimen/activity_margin" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <TextView android:textColor="#ffffff" android:text="This is your dialog with transparent background." android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> <Button android:id="@+id/btn_close_overlay" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@color/colorPrimary" android:textColor="#ffffff" android:text="Dismiss"/> </LinearLayout> |
Then add the following code into your activity’s Java […]
Android app dev: background image sizes for different screen sizes
Here are the recommended background image sizes in pixels for Android app development: xxxhdpi: 1280×1920 px xxhdpi: 960×1600 px xhdpi: 640×960 px hdpi: 480×800 px mdpi: 320×480 px ldpi: 240×320 px …as suggested in this StackOverflow page: Android: Background Image Size (in Pixel) which Support All Devices
Android ImageView has unwanted padding: layout troubleshooting
If you use ImageView in your android app layout and you get that unwanted padding around the image, here’s an Android XML attribute that helped me solved the layout issue:
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<ImageView (...) android:adjustViewBounds="true" /> |
Add android:adjustViewBounds=”true” attribute to your ImageView XML tag and you’ll probably see the unwanted padding go away. According to the ImageView docs: android:adjustViewBounds Set […]
Android app dev: image sizes for variety of screen sizes
As a mobile app developer, we need to consider various screen sizes for a wide range of Android devices. Here’s a quick note of recommended image sizes for Android app icons: 36×36 for low-density (LDPI) 48×48 for medium-density (MDPI) 72×72 for high-density (HDPI) 96×96 for extra high-density (XHDPI) 180×180 for extra extra high-density (XXHDPI) 192×192 […]
Laravel 5 Folder Structure, Before and After
Hey! 🙂 This is a page I’m preparing quickly for developers who are used to the folder structure of Laravel 4 and older, just to serve as reference on where we can find things in Laravel 5 now. If like me, you are new to Laravel 5 but have developed apps using older Laravel versions, […]
Charlotte – anime review
This would be a shorter than usual anime review from me. Just some random thoughts about Charlotte anime. I usually watch the anime series that my office friends and my boyfriend recommend. My boyfriend didn’t like Charlotte that much, but I watched it anyway because it’s one of the series I copied from a friend. […]
Get started: Android Studio app development on Windows 7 (Tested on LG G3 phone)
You can still follow this tutorial if you’re using another version of Windows or if you’re using another Android device. You don’t strictly have to use a Windows 7 computer and an LG G3 phone. 🙂 Being a web developer and a frequent user of Android devices, I’ve always been curious about Android app development. […]