If you’re looking for course materials that you can install for offline viewing, click here to check the CCNA Exploration 4.0 Curriculum / Course Material installers, for offline viewing. They have more explanations that these PPT slides.
Finally, Accessing the WAN! My last CCNA (I really hope that it is already!). 🙂 In this page I’m sharing the Powerpoint slides of chapters 1 to 8 for CCNA 4. The .ppt slides (instructors’ materials) are useful if want a quick reading about the chapters or for reviewing before exams.
DIRECT Download the zipped Powerpoint slides:
CCNA 4 Powerpoint Slides (Direct Download) (unknown, 844 hits)
Or if the link for direct download becomes unavailable due to reaching the bandwidth limit, you may download it from my MediaFire account:
MediaFire Download the zipped Powerpoint slides:
CCNA 4 Powerpoint Slides (MediaFire) (unknown, 600 hits)
Is it possible for you to upload the ccna 1 powerpoint slides ? Can only find CCNA 2 3 4 🙁 .. Thx for your blog!
Hello, I’ve been trying to search the Net for ppt’s of CCNA 1 but I haven’t found them yet. But I will surely share them here once I find copies 🙂
And here it is ..
I hope these files you are looking for 🙂
With my respectful greetings
Thanks a lot, sir. 😀 This is very helpful to us.
are you looking for the pdf files or the installer
Hi, I posted a blog entry with the download link of CCNA 1 slides 🙂 Thanks to Ahmad M. for sharing his copy with us.
Thank you so much! This is a big help already 🙂
Thank you so much, this is very useful to me!!!
Thanks mill, this should be really helpful with studies, thanks to everyone who contributed
Thanks Catzie 😀
thax a lot Miss YOur so cute pa 🙂