Trying to learn game programming in Adobe Flash? Want to learn game programming using AS3? Try this e-book that I’m going to share with you. It covers Adobe Flash CS3 Professional, so it’s perfect if you use Flash CS3.
Wrapping text in table cells and DIV tags
I’ve been doing research on how to wrap texts. First solution I found was giving the CSS property word-wrap the value break-word: word-wrap: break-word But this didn’t work in Firefox.
JavaScript: Setting the selected dropdown option by its index number
Long time no new entry. 🙂 Internship is keeping me very busy. In this blog entry I’ll show you how to select a drop down option by specifying its index number.
Inline Frame that automatically adjusts its height for the source page
Last year, I was working on our MULPROJ layout, and the type of layout I was making needed an iframe whose height is auto resized according to the source page’s content. This means that there should be no vertical scrollbar in the iframe, it simply adjusts itself vertically. I thought that it wasn’t possible to […]
Cobol Compilers free download: MFCICS, Microsoft Cobol 2.20, Cobol IDE
I used to have several Cobol compilers available for free download in my old blog, That blog has gone, months ago, I think. I’m putting up all those Cobol compilers in this post. 🙂
IE Tester – see how your web pages look in different versions of IE (Windows Internet Explorer)
(Post taken from my old blog, Ahh, it seems that I posted this in our MULPROJ days. ^_^ Yesterday I woke up at 6AM. I wanted to go on with my sleep, but I couldn’t. I suddenly remembered that I haven’t tested in different versions of Internet Explorer the layout design of the website […]
PDF Download: Head First Java (2nd Edition) – by Katy Sierra and Bert Bates
Learning Java? Great, this book will help you. I uploaded this Java Programming PDF to share with IT Elective 1 (Object Oriented Programming with Java) classmates. 🙂 I searched for it in Google, and I’m lucky to find this free e-book of Head First Java – Second Edition. I can’t remember where I got it […]
PHP: Dynamic inclusion tutorial
I’m posting this because I thought that it might help some people who want to structurize their website in a way that they can easily edit pages which contain contents and pages which contain the code of the layout, as we separate layout code from contents in dynamic inclusion. This is for PHP beginners, but […]
CyStats Template Functions / Template Tags
I used to use the WordPress plugin Counterize II to keep track of my blog’s statistics, but then I felt that I had to switch into something else. I looked for another feature-rich stats plugin but one that is faster and that will take up less database space. After trying different plugins, I chose to […]
Assembly Language: a simple shop/store program
A small program I made a year ago in Turbo Assembler. It’s a shop displaying four items, each item having 9 stocks. The user is first prompted for which item he/she wishes to buy, for the quantity of the purchase, and if he wants to buy again. The program closes once the shop runs out […]