Bought Hearos earplugs for better sleep at night

It’s so noisy at home especially at night. Someone with a husky voice keeps on talking out loud, someone watches TV in high volume until dawn, dogs bark when something’s up, puppies wake up in the middle of the night whining… and they’re all depriving me of sleep. We have six chihuahua dogs with high-pitched voices, by the way, and three of them are whiny little pups.

I couldn’t make them stop making noises at night so I thought earplugs would help me get better sleep. I searched for earplugs in department stores and drug stores but found out that they don’t sell any. My guy says earplugs are probably rare in the Philippines. So, I tried searching the web, hoping I could find info on where I could buy earplugs in the Philippines. At first I was led to forum threads where people said earplugs can be bought from hardware stores or music stores, but the ones being sold there are for construction areas or other loud noises, and not for sleeping. Then I found this website: It’s got info on where to buy earplugs for sleeping in the Philippines.

Earplugs at Rustan’s Essences:

Thanks to that earplug site I was able to buy my own earplugs at the Essences department of Rustan’s. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I went to the branch at Gateway mall and bought the Sleep Pretty in Pink (7 pairs + case) and it costs 395 pesos. I saw other packages of Sleep Pretty in Pink and the regular Hearos with less number of pairs inside and without a case, and if I remember it correctly it costs around 200 pesos. I already forgot the Zonk Out‘s price but I’m sure it’s higher than that of Sleep Pretty in Pink. ๐Ÿ™‚

According to, Rustan’s Essences has a branch in the following places: Glorietta, Shangri-la Plaza, Alabang Town Center, Grandmall, Gateway, Robinsonโ€™s Ermita and Rustanโ€™s Cebu.

I tried them on last night. It was kind of hard to insert in the ears, but I’m practicing! I also think I will take some time to get used to the feeling when it’s inserted… you know, that feeling when something’s stuck in your ear. xD And yep, I think it’s helping me. Right now they’re in, and I can barely hear the sound of my typing, my footsteps as I walk, and running water as I wash my face. ๐Ÿ˜€

//EDIT: I went to Cash and Carry mall at Makati and saw travel earplugs. It’s at the store American Bazaar. I think it’s an 88-peso store, so the earplugs must be much cheaper than the ones from Hearos. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not sure how comfortable travel earplugs are when compared to sleeping earplugs, but I guess I’ll try them when I run out of Hearos because they’re way cheaper. (Less than 100 pesos vs. over 400 pesos)

//EDIT (September 26, 2011): I decided not to try the travel earplugs from American Bazaar because I’m afraid it might not be comfortable enough for sleeping at night. Last week when we checked, Rustan’s Essences as Glorietta ran out of stock of these earplugs. So, I visited Rustan’s at Gateway Mall again yesterday to buy a new pack of earplugs. There was only one Sleep in Pink variant left, and contains only 4 pairs. But then I saw the Zonk Out ear plugs, which is designed for men but is cheaper. I bought the 4 pairs of Sleep in Pink variant, together with the Zonk Out ear plugs just to try it. What’s the difference between the Sleep in Pink and Zonk Out ear plugs, you ask? The Sleep in Pink are pink (your guess is right) ear plugs, and they’re much easier to roll/compress before inserting to the ears, compared to the Zonk Out, which are orange-colored ones. I guess the Zonk Out ear plugs are made of a tougher material because men’s hands are (usually) stronger.

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An odd human being who happens to have a variety of ever-changing interests, but right now they are programming, making up silly song/rap lyrics, K-pop, drawing, creating unique dessert/drink flavors, obsessing about finding out how some things works, automation, anime, video games... Ran online dessert shops Cookies PH and Catzie's Cakery in her past life.

8 comments on “Bought Hearos earplugs for better sleep at night


  1. i hope there’s still in gateway and that it’ll work with me. you may just have saved my life! thanks for this post. ^^

  2. I’m glad you found something! Would love to hear what ear plugs worked for you. It’s hard to find the one that works for you. Everyone is a little different and we sleep differently at night (in terms of position; on stomach, back, etc).

    Sweet dreams!

  3. If you have problems with sleeping, ear plug is the best solution since it helps you terminate those noise around you. I use ear plug every time I can’t sleep well due to the noise around me.

  4. Hi, I would like to ask if rustan’s essences still selling those earplugs. Because yesterday I went at rustan’s department store in gateway mall branch and asked the sales ladies there about it. But unfortunately they have all the same responses saying that they don’t have it. I’m just wondering if which department store section did you find those earplugs? Hoping for your immediate feedback. I just really need to find a good earplugs because the noises really driving me crazy and I can’t have a better sleep at night. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hello, the last time I went to Rustans Essences, I was told that they no longer sell the earplugs. ๐Ÿ™ Maybe you could try checking American Bazaar and Daiso branches. Some of their branches sell earplugs, but I can’t remember which ones. xD

      1. Hi, CATZIE, suggestions noted. Thank you so much for your immediate feedback, I highly appreciate it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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