It’s so noisy at home especially at night. Someone with a husky voice keeps on talking out loud, someone watches TV in high volume until dawn, dogs bark when something’s up, puppies wake up in the middle of the night whining… and they’re all depriving me of sleep. We have six chihuahua dogs with high-pitched […]
Author: Catzie
Wrapping text in table cells and DIV tags
I’ve been doing research on how to wrap texts. First solution I found was giving the CSS property word-wrap the value break-word: word-wrap: break-word But this didn’t work in Firefox.
Adobe Illustrator: Get a smooth blur effect
I remember how the pixelated blur effects in Adobe Illustrator made me feel so frustrated back in my IT Elective 4 class. It’s only now that I found out the solution for that problem, after doing a Google search. Here is how we can avoid pixelated blur effects in Adobe Illustrator. Please note that I […]
JavaScript: Setting the selected dropdown option by its index number
Long time no new entry. 🙂 Internship is keeping me very busy. In this blog entry I’ll show you how to select a drop down option by specifying its index number.
Easily embed web fonts to your web page using Google Font API
I’ve been working on some website design recently. I used fancy fonts in the design sample I made in Adobe Illustrator, forgetting that I have to embed the fonts first to make them display on the visitors’ browsers even if they don’t have those fonts in their computer. I ended up using images on my […]
Adobe Illustrator: If you cannot see or select points
From now on I’ll be posting short entries like this, which will show solutions to small problems in graphics tools, programming, OS, and etcetera. I was working on an assignment (gradient mesh portrait) on Adobe Illustrator, when suddenly I could not see my mesh points. When I hovered on the mesh object I could see […]
CCNA Exploration 1 version 4.0 Network Fundamentals (Powerpoint Slides 1-11)
Thanks to Blog’s visitor Ahmad M. for sharing with us his Powerpoint slides of CCNA 1. 🙂 I’ve been looking for this online for some time already but failed to find any in version 4.0. You may download the instructional materials from this blog entry.
CCNA Exploration 4 version 4.0 Accessing the WAN (Powerpoint Slides 1-8)
If you’re looking for course materials that you can install for offline viewing, click here to check the CCNA Exploration 4.0 Curriculum / Course Material installers, for offline viewing. They have more explanations that these PPT slides. Finally, Accessing the WAN! My last CCNA (I really hope that it is already!). 🙂 In this page […]
Restore missing desktop icons in Windows XP or Windows 7
I noticed that all my desktop icons were gone. I thought it was only because my computer was hanging, so I restarted it. After the restart there were still no icons. I’m not the kind of computer user who knows every solution to every small problem so I searched for solutions to what happened. (And […]
Fix PNG images with transparency in older Windows Internet Explorer versions
I wonder if this post would still get hits from search engine result pages. So many other web pages feature this fix for IE 5.5 and IE 6 web browser, that the Blog’s entry might just show up on the… 10th page or so. lol. Anyways, I’m still posting this, in case there are […]