Android transparent overlay without View

We’re not going to use ViewOverlay here. We’ll use Dialog instead.

The overlay does not show on button click. What I did was let the overlay appear when the activity is loaded.

First, create the XML file for the contents of that dialog overlay.


Then add the following code into your activity’s Java file. Please edit as needed in your project.

You might need to add lines of “import” codes yourself for the classes I used.
You might need to fill in missing @color and @dimen values yourself.


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An odd human being who happens to have a variety of ever-changing interests, but right now they are programming, making up silly song/rap lyrics, K-pop, drawing, creating unique dessert/drink flavors, obsessing about finding out how some things works, automation, anime, video games... Ran online dessert shops Cookies PH and Catzie's Cakery in her past life.

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