Cobol Compilers free download: MFCICS, Microsoft Cobol 2.20, Cobol IDE

I used to have several Cobol compilers available for free download in my old blog, That blog has gone, months ago, I think.

I’m putting up all those Cobol compilers in this post. 🙂

IDE Cobol version 1.1

IDE Cobol is an “IDE to create applications using MS Cobol 80.” Instead of going through the command prompt hassle, the IDE Cobol’s environment helps compile and run code. The IDE Cobol also offers the following features:

  • Find and Replace function
  • Print
  • Font styling

Download IDE Cobol version 1.1

A note about the language
After installing, when you first run the language, it’s in Portuguese. To switch into English, click on Ajuda from the menu, choose Idioma, and select English (EUA).

Micro Focus COBOL version 3.0.22

Also known as the MFCICS Cobol Compiler

  Micro Focus COBOL ; MFCICS Cobol Compiler (unknown, 1,011 hits)

Microsoft COBOL Compiler Version 2.20

  Old Version Cobol Compiler; Free Microsoft COBOL Compiler Version 2.20 (unknown, 1,029 hits)

I have no working sample Cobol source codes for each compiler at the moment. I’m too busy to prepare them. Maybe someday I’ll put them up.

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An odd human being who happens to have a variety of ever-changing interests, but right now they are programming, making up silly song/rap lyrics, K-pop, drawing, creating unique dessert/drink flavors, obsessing about finding out how some things works, automation, anime, video games... Ran online dessert shops Cookies PH and Catzie's Cakery in her past life.

26 comments on “Cobol Compilers free download: MFCICS, Microsoft Cobol 2.20, Cobol IDE


  1. I have an Old 16 bit COBOL Compiler and I use it for a budget application I wrote over 20 years ago. I bought a Windows 7 laptop, which requires 32 or 64 bit. Does the 2.20 compiler comply with that requirement.

    1. I have used MS Cobol 2.20 for a short time on Win 7 Ultimate. The programs COBOL.EXE and RUNCOB.EXE work. I have not tested further.

  2. I want Manual for Microsoft COBOL version 2.20 (I do not require the compiler, I am having it). Where will I get ?

  3. Hi. I download it microfus cobol 3.0.22 in the zip file I cant see where is it??? setup need pls add


    1. You should download MF Visual COBOL. They have version you could use for one month trial for free.

  5. Hi Miss can u kindly tell me where to get the micro focus personal cobol compiler? pls let me know when u can or if u have one can u send it to me pls pls. Thks.. hear from u soon…

  6. I am starting my own business. I want to create my own COBOL program for it (I already know how to program in COBOL), I want to use Linux Ubuntu and I want a real COBOL compiler not one that compiles to other languages first. Can you suggest me a good compiler?

  7. yes, sim windows 7 mscobol 2.20
    basta setver, copiar c:cobol ir
    para o cmd digo sob dos usa um edito de texto, o meu e um spfpc
    para compilar basta cobol nomeprograma,,,
    c:windowssystem32setver /? help

  8. Verifico que esta faltando dentro do download arquivo c/extensão .PIF
    para qualquer extensão .EXE usa- se extensão .PIF no windows 7. no MSDOS

  9. I have just now downloaded the cobol compiler.I dont know how to complie and run a cobol program i mean want to know the commands which are used for compiling and running. can any one please share the commands?

  10. Madam,

    Kindly let me know urgently the following.

    1. Till which year & which ver of/msdos/ & under which ver of windows ver supported ms-cobol compiler 2.20. & it required which editor eg NE.COM?

    2. Features of Micro-Focus COBOL ver 3.0/3.5 and also NET EXpress COBOL for both eg

    which ver of win/dos they run.
    editor required which one
    whether they support cobol ansi74/85?
    pl help as i am a bstudent and i am having some old programs.

  11. Thanks for the language tip for the IDE Cobol. I have been trying to change that for a couple of days. Also thanks for the compilers that you have posted also. My schools IT department is having problems getting their stuff correct and running.

    1. For you who studies IT, COBOL was installed in autoexec.bat and config.sys as it was 16 bits needed an emulator (setver.exe) see example so setver /? And an introduction `s old – do not use anymore, it is certain to see Java’s how it’s done, and adapt to it, the course is good exemblo Java starter here the first notebook onsde see variables environment and system variables, and make the transformation.

  12. I downloaded IDE Cobol version 1.1
    version from this site. After i ran set up i dint get any icon on desktop in other words there is no application comming on screen where in i can do coding and compile the program etc etc .
    I am using windows xp operating system

    Any advice will be appreciated.

    1. SONY, its ide was installed c: IDE Cobol Test1.cob as shown above, programs are along with the
      Test1.cob then right. Edit Test1.cob to compile (check for errors) presented the message F8 In Errors or warnings (all ok) F9 to check the program execution

  13. Hi i want use this cobol compiler.can you tell me this compiler will be work on windows od core i3..plz reply

  14. Hello!

    The micofocus is *broken* there, the adis library/utils are missing, so there is no way to produce code. Could you re-upload sweetie please?



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