This guide/walkthrough on Inotia 3 Named Subjugation Quests contains information on specific locations of monsters to hunt, from Introduction, Intermedie, Advanced, to Expert. Tip: It’s best to complete each quest as you go with the game’s story because you pass through areas where the monsters you need to hunt are as the plot progresses. Please […]
Playing: Caligo Chaser on Android
Okay, so I just downloaded a new game (developed by Com2uS who also made Inotia 3. I’m trying the free download version, and if I like it I might buy the game and maybe post Caligo Chaser guides here to expand my “gaming” blog category. This one is categorized as an RPG game, but seems […]
Inotia 3 – Help killing God of Darkness (Walkthrough)
**WARNING: This guide may spoil your gameplay. I just beat the God of Darkness in Inotia 3, minutes ago. And guess what? My phone froze and after a few minutes reboot itself. Great, I know. Happens all the time with this game. I have to restart frequently to avoid freezing. The cut-scenes are the usually […]
Inotia 3 – Game maps for free download
Playing the Inotia 3 – Children of Carnia and would be happy to download images/screenshots of the game’s maps?
Inotia 3 – Help solving the Illusion Maze (Walkthrough)
I’ve taken notes as I played the Illusion Maze in Inotia 3, and a floor by floor guide in solving the maze is posted in this page. I hope that this becomes a helpful Inotia 3 walkthrough.
Inotia 3 drop list – interesting items and where I found them
Now here’s a page where I take note of items in the game Inotia 3 that are of interest to me, and where I found them. This is in attempt to make an item drop list , or maybe something more than just a drop list since I did not acquire all items listed here […]
Inotia 3 – Einherjar, silver dragon fight on Twisted Destiny quest
Warning: This blog entry may have spoilers of the game Inotia 3. When you are on a quest called Twisted Destiny, the Einherjar (silver dragon at dragon’s lair, near Land Scar) will ask you to kill the giant leader named Kenjin, and bring his head to him, in exchange for the rune of abyss. What […]
Inotia 3: Chaos Composition Recipe Quest – Transcendence Flower and Mana Crystal
Warning: This blog may contain spoilers of the game (Inotia 3)! Here are some tips for Inotia 3 players in getting the transcendence flower and mana crystal for the quest Chaos Composition Recipe. You met a suspicious rat in the Suspicious Cave of the Red Wood Forest. In exchange for its incredible skill, the rat […]
Playing Inotia 3 – Children of Carnia
UPDATE: I just published an Inotia 3 page where all my posts related to the game are listed. Video games keep me sane during busy days. Those all-work-no-fun days drive me crazy! But since video games also consume my energy, I try to limit my play time too. Inotia 3 – Children of Carnia is […]

Flash Game – Clannad – Dango Daikazoku Adventure
As a homework in our Flash class, we were asked to design and code a Flash game with two levels. I decided to base my theme on “Dango Daikazoku” from the visual novel (PC game) and anime Clannad. I always found the dangos cute that I had fun making this game. 🙂 I’m letting you […]