I used to use the WordPress plugin Counterize II to keep track of my blog’s statistics, but then I felt that I had to switch into something else. I looked for another feature-rich stats plugin but one that is faster and that will take up less database space. After trying different plugins, I chose to […]
Author: Catzie
Assembly Language: a simple shop/store program
A small program I made a year ago in Turbo Assembler. It’s a shop displaying four items, each item having 9 stocks. The user is first prompted for which item he/she wishes to buy, for the quantity of the purchase, and if he wants to buy again. The program closes once the shop runs out […]
Star City – ticket prices, opening time, and photos from this theme park in Manila, Philippines
I’m not affiliated in any way with Star City. Please try to contact them directly if you have questions. Still, I’m hoping that the information already provided here would help you. 🙂 Ticket prices, opening times and closing times were UPDATED on April 7, 2011. INFO I went to Star City on August 9, 2009. […]
Assembly Language: check if a one-digit input number is odd or even
I coded this back when I was taking up Computer System Organization. It was a homework that I decided to share in my old blog. The program accepts a one-digit number as the input, and then shows whether that number is ODD or EVEN. The program uses the attribute byte to highlight ODD or EVEN […]
CCNA 2 Powerpoint Slides (Routing Protocols and Concepts 4.0)
If you’re looking for course materials that you can install for offline viewing, click here to check the CCNA Exploration 4.0 Curriculum / Course Material installers, for offline viewing. They have more explanations that these PPT slides. Taking up CCNA 2 (Cisco Certified Network Associate – Routing Protocols and Concepts) ? These Powerpoint slides might […]
Modern Database Management 8th Edition (PDF E-book and PPT)
When I took up my Database Management Systems course in my second year in college, I used Modern Database Management 8th Edition (by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Mary B. Prescott, and Fred R. McFadden) as my reference. I used the e-book and Powerpoint presentations to review for exams, and I’m sharing the following files with you: […]
Free Download- Turbo Assembler Version 2.0, SideKick version 1.56, Turbo Link Version 3.0, PILOT.EXE
contents of the zipped file: SK.COM SideKick version 1.56 Copyright © 1884-85 BORLAND Inc. PILOT.EXE PC – PILOT (Programmer’s Pop-Up) Freeware written by Tom Grubbe Edited by The Geographix Corporation. TLINK.EXE Turbo Link Version 3.0 Copyright © 1987-1990 Borland International TASM.EXE Turbo Assembler Version 2.0 Copyright © 1988-1990 Borland International
Philippine Holidays on 2010
Here is a list of holidays – regular, and non-working, in the Philippines on year 2010.
Turbo C++ 3.0 Windows 7 Free Download: Compiler with Instructions
UPDATE: If you get the error Linker Error: Unable to open include file ‘C0S.OBJ’ while running your c program (or c++), please try copying the C0S.OBJ from the OBJ folder into the main folder of the compiler. The downloadable c/c++ compiler archive has been updated with this fix. Note: The procedures on this post were […]
Watch online – SONA 2009 by PGMA (HD Video)
There are some people who missed the State of the Nation Address by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, that’s why I thought that sharing the videos of it in my blog would help. The videos would also be helpful for people who want to watch it the SONA all over again. 🙂 Thanks to YouTube user […]