Assembly Language: check if a one-digit input number is odd or even

assembly programming odd even number

I coded this back when I was taking up Computer System Organization. It was a homework that I decided to share in my old blog.

The program accepts a one-digit number as the input, and then shows whether that number is ODD or EVEN.

The program uses the attribute byte to highlight ODD or EVEN with a color.

;—Program coded by Catzie Keng of

.model small
org 100h

start: jmp main

;——– VARS ———
header db “Input a number (0-9): $”
footer db “Press Q to quit.$”
vOdd db “O D D $”
vEven db “E V E N $”

main proc near
mov ax,03 ;clear screen
int 10h

call cursor ;header
mov dl,0
mov dh,0
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,header
int 21h

call cursor ;footer
mov dl,4
mov dh,8
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,footer
int 21h

call dispODD
call dispEVEN

call cursor ;input
mov dl,23
mov dh,0
int 10h
call input

cmp al,30h ;0
je pEven
cmp al,31h ;1
je pOdd
cmp al,32h ;2
je pEven
cmp al,33h ;3
je pOdd
cmp al,34h ;4
je pEven
cmp al,35h ;5
je pOdd
cmp al,36h ;6
je pEven
cmp al,37h ;7
je pOdd
cmp al,38h ;8
je pEven
cmp al,39h ;9
je pOdd
cmp al,’Q’
je terminate
cmp al,’q’
je terminate

call prEven
jmp repeat
call exit

call prOdd
jmp repeat
call exit

call endCursor
call exit

dispODD proc
call cursor ;display ODD
mov dl,10
mov dh,3
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,vOdd
int 21h
dispODD endp

dispEVEN proc
call cursor ;display EVEN
mov dl,9
mov dh,5
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,vEven
int 21h
dispEVEN endp

prEven proc
mov al,’ ‘
mov cx,1
mov bl,2fh
mov dh,5
x: mov dl,8
mov ah,2
int 10h
push cx
mov ah,9
mov cx,9
int 10h
pop cx
inc dh
loop x
call dispEVEN

mov al,’ ‘ ;cover odd
mov cx,1
mov bl,07h
mov dh,3
a: mov dl,8
mov ah,2
int 10h
push cx
mov ah,9
mov cx,9
int 10h
pop cx
inc dh
loop a
call dispODD
prEven endp

prOdd proc
mov al,’ ‘
mov cx,1
mov bl,2fh
mov dh,3
y: mov dl,8
mov ah,2
int 10h
push cx
mov ah,9
mov cx,9
int 10h
pop cx
inc dh
loop y
call dispODD

mov al,’ ‘ ;cover even
mov cx,1
mov bl,07h
mov dh,5
b: mov dl,8
mov ah,2
int 10h
push cx
mov ah,9
mov cx,9
int 10h
pop cx
inc dh
loop b
call dispEVEN
prOdd endp
main endp

;—Program coded by Catzie Keng of

cursor proc
mov ah,2
mov bh,0
cursor endp

input proc
mov ah,1
int 21h
input endp

endCursor proc
call cursor
mov dl,0
mov dh,15
int 10h
endCursor endp

exit proc
int 20h
exit endp

end start
;—Program coded by Catzie Keng of

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A Filipino programmer with a variety of interests such as baking, singing, making up silly song/rap lyrics, K-pop, drawing, creating unique dessert flavors, obsessing about finding out how some things works, board games, anime, video games, and forgetting things that usually go in her long list of interests. Running small-time online dessert shops Cookies PH and Catzie's Cakery.

12 comments on “Assembly Language: check if a one-digit input number is odd or even


    1. All I can say is “Debug it.” It’s not my fault if it won’t work for you. You didn’t see me write “The following code is guaranteed to work on any assembler” did you? Are you looking for code to be used on your homework? Learn by tweaking the codes by yourself.

      Please think before you post a rude message!


      1. Ms. Catzie, can you help me with this errors?

        Assembling file: final2.asm
        **Error** final2.asm(105) Need address or register
        **Error** final2.asm(121) Need address or register
        **Error** final2.asm(140) Need address or register
        **Error** final2.asm(156) Need address or register
        **Fatal** final2.asm(174) Unexpected end of file encountered

  1. Terdapat eror

    Assembling file: oddeven.asm
    **Error** oddeven.asm(65) Undefined symbol: Q
    **Error** oddeven.asm(67) Undefined symbol: Q
    **Error** oddeven.asm(107) Need address or register
    **Error** oddeven.asm(123) Need address or register
    **Error** oddeven.asm(142) Need address or register
    **Error** oddeven.asm(158) Need address or register
    Error messages: 6
    Warning messages: None
    Passes: 1
    Remaining memory: 440k

    mohon pencerahannya

  2. There is an eror in line

    Assembling file: oddeven.asm
    **Error** oddeven.asm(65) Undefined symbol: Q
    **Error** oddeven.asm(67) Undefined symbol: Q
    **Error** oddeven.asm(107) Need address or register
    **Error** oddeven.asm(123) Need address or register
    **Error** oddeven.asm(142) Need address or register
    **Error** oddeven.asm(158) Need address or register
    Error messages: 6
    Warning messages: None
    Passes: 1
    Remaining memory: 440k

    please give me some information

  3. a girl doing assembly? sexy! but here’s the criticism – you actually comapre each digit so see if it’s even or odd!? what if you where to rewrite it for number 1-100? there’s smarter ways.

  4. hi , catzie , i learned how to program , but i don’t know what is assembler and other stuff like Computer Org , pls recommand any books or Resources to learn all stuff .

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