Little Busters Walkthrough

Little Busters! (Visual Novel/Game) Walkthrough / Guide and English Patch Download

Little Busters Walkthrough and English Patch Download

So… The game Little Busters just had its English patch last month. (This visual novel’s title is stylized with an exclamation mark at the end, like “Little Busters!”, but I won’t do the same here because it’s kinda confusing to read. lol.)

These days are really busy for me at work, but I have plan to play Little Busters during the time I have no or just one project. 🙂 I’ve been told by someone who also enjoys playing visual novels that this one’s gameplay is so different from the others we have played so far (Kanon, Clannad, Ever 17, 999, etc). How? I’ll find out when I finally play it. I have also been told that it’s a very fun VN.

Let’s start with the download link to the English Patch:

Little Busters – English Patch Download

TLWiki English Patch Download section for Little Busters

For now, here are walkthroughs that will guide us to the game Little Busters.

Little Busters – English Walkthrough by Anon

(On MediaFire) English Walkthrough of Little Busters by Anon

Little Busters – Walkthrough for English Patch by TLWiki

Walkthrough for Little Busters (English Patch) by TLWiki

I am considering writing my own walkthrough for Little Busters.

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