Cleaning services in Metro Manila – a personal review

I’m not bad at programming and baking sweet treats, but I seem to be have terrible cleaning skills! 🤣So, when we want to get the house really really clean, we let professional cleaners handle the job.


In this article I shall talk about my experience with professional cleaning services that I’ve tried, or tried to avail but they started ignoring me. 😅Read on to find out.

And oh, please do comment on this blog post if you have your own experiences as well. We would love to hear recommendations!

Ate Girl Home Cleaners

So far, my favorite professional cleaning service provider is Ate Girl Home Cleaners! I thought that their slogan “Ang ATE na walang ARTE!” was just for online marketing, but when I tried them out, aba, totoo pala!

The reason for this cleaning session was to totally clean our home’s floor area, because we wanted to begin the ban of shoes inside the house… like Japanese homes! hehe. Our floor is colored “cream” so the shoes makes it dirty so easily.

The cleaner assigned to us was Ate Amy, and I must say, totally walang arte nga siya. Madali pa kausap at masipag.

We availed the 2-hour cleaning service for a 26sqm unit, plus grease trap cleaning.

Cost: 488 for 2-hour cleaning + 450 for grease trap cleaning + 120 for extra time to clean grease trap = 1058.

During the 2-hour cleaning session, Ate Amy made sure to clean the area I told her was priority: the floor, including areas covered by appliances. We had a mop and pail ready for her to use, but she ditched it! She was wiping our floor with a rag and small pail. We told her, “ate pwede mo gamitin yung mop” so she wouldn’t have to bend down so much. She told us that the mop couldn’t clean the floor so well, unlike manual wiping with the rag. That was proof that her priority was cleanliness of the unit she’s servicing.

Ate Amy also arranged some things in the house (trays on our dining table, and the positioning of a pantry shelf) in a way that we gained a little more extra space, and I loved it!

The cleaner cleaned our grease trap without a mask and gloves. We offered and she declined. Kinamay ni Ate Girl yung dumi sa grease trap at wala siyang paki sa baho. Totally walang arte.

The most amazing thing Ate Amy did was remove the “marbled” stains on the floor tiles of our shower room. We were surprised to find it like new. We just bought muriatic acid to hopefully remove those stains some time after the professional cleaning service, but Ate Girl Amy said she used a steel scrub to remove those stains. Whoa! Super sipag ni Ate Amy!

Did she miss anything? I wouldn’t say that she “missed” anything, but with the limited 2-hour cleaning time, we couldn’t fit in the dusting of high furnitures and the wall. No big deal to me, because it’s not so dirty anyway, and like I told Ate Amy, the floor was priority.

I will definitely book Ate Girl Home Cleaners again!


The first professional cleaning service I’ve tried is at Cleanhome. It was good service. Gotta love their online booking system! 😉 They were also very responsive on Facebook Messenger and I liked that.

Reason for booking this cleaning was for the bake space for Catzie’s Cakery. I began renting a 40sqm 1-bedroom space, which had minimal furnitures but was very dusty.

Cost: 750 for 3 hours.

Josephine was the cleaner assigned to us by Cleanhome. She worked non-stop on our place, so I can say that the cleaning service was “sulit”. Lagi din siya naka-smile when she talked to me and I appreciate that.

There were a few dusty parts with spider webs missed such at the bottom of our shelves. I pointed it out to her and she worked on those parts right away, so no problem.

I also liked that she texted me hours ahead of the scheduled time, because it made me feel confident that a cleaner will really come to us that day. In the Philippines there are lots of services scheduled for the day, but you’ll never know if they’ll really come. Ahem, PLDT and Globe, ahem!

Despite being responsive when I had inquiries on Facebook Messenger, they didn’t acknowledge receipt of the review I sent them. I hope it reached the cleaner, Josephine, because it was a positive review.

Lemon Cleaners: they suddenly stopped responding to me while I was booking an appointment

If there’s any cleaning service in Metro Manila that I won’t recommend, it’s Lemon Cleaners. We were about to book a cleaning service from them, we had a set date and time already, as well as the number of cleaners, and then Lemon Cleaners stopped responding to my texts. I even followed up, but to no avail. Who knows what happened that they couldn’t respond to me anymore. If I recall correctly, we even phoned them but still, nada.

This was my exchange of texts with Lemon Cleaners.

It was so frustrating not to get anymore response when we were so close to getting an appointment. Could they have changed their mind because of the water interruption in our area? Sana kung ayaw nila kami i-service, sabihin nang maayos with the reason.

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An odd human being who happens to have a variety of ever-changing interests, but right now they are programming, making up silly song/rap lyrics, K-pop, drawing, creating unique dessert/drink flavors, obsessing about finding out how some things works, automation, anime, video games... Ran online dessert shops Cookies PH and Catzie's Cakery in her past life.

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