I’m trying to learn how to build a simple app in Android just to satisfy my curiosity. This will also be a very handy skill because I use Android phones often, and there are times that the apps I download from Google Play Store lack features that I need. This will be a very simple […]

Mobile Prefixes in the Philippines (Sun, Smart, Talk ‘N Text, Globe, TM)
When someone texts us and we need to reply, or when we need to call someone, but we’re not sure if they are using the same mobile network provider, we hesitate to do so. Possibly because of charges or higher charges. Use the tool below to lookup the mobile network provider of a mobile prefix. […]
Playing Inotia 3 – Children of Carnia
UPDATE: I just published an Inotia 3 page where all my posts related to the game are listed. Video games keep me sane during busy days. Those all-work-no-fun days drive me crazy! But since video games also consume my energy, I try to limit my play time too. Inotia 3 – Children of Carnia is […]