Android RecyclerView notifyItemChanged() IllegalStateException “Cannot call this method while RecyclerView is computing a layout or scrolling”

If your Android app is crashing with error IllegalStateException “Cannot call this method while RecyclerView is computing a layout or scrolling”, you may try placing your notifyitemchanged inside a Runnable. Assuming you have a call to notifyItemChanged() inside onBindViewHolder() that is making your app crash with IllegalStateException, you may try something like this:

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Inotia 3 – Mage Karan’s Shelter guide and authorization code for Hermit Wand, Frozen Gem, Mana Robe, and Thunder Circlet

You need to talk to Mage Karan during the Cancelling Petrification Spell 5 quest of Inotia 3. Cancelling Petrification Spell 5 You have arrived at Karan’s Shelter. But you need to pass through the secret passage to the basement. Let’s use the Golem to find the secret passage and meet Mage Karan. This guide will […]

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