How to start using view binding //Android Kotlin Dev Diary

First, open your app/build.gradle file

Inside the android{} block of app/build.gradle, add the following:

buildFeatures { viewBinding = true }

Sync project with gradle files.

In your activity or fragment, define the following class-wide property:

Replace the FragmentorActivityNameBinding above with the appropriate binding class name. Tip: The binding class name is based on the XML file’s name. For example, if your XML file name is activity_main.xml, the binding class name should be ActivityMainBinding. Or, if your file name is fragment_main.xml, the binding class name should be FragmentMainBinding.

In your activity, the onCreate function should look like this:

Otherwise, if using view binding in a fragment, your onCreateView should look like this:

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An odd human being who happens to have a variety of ever-changing interests, but right now they are programming, making up silly song/rap lyrics, K-pop, drawing, creating unique dessert/drink flavors, obsessing about finding out how some things works, automation, anime, video games... Ran online dessert shops Cookies PH and Catzie's Cakery in her past life.

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