I’m working on a weather app for Android. The data for wind direction that I get from the weather API is in form of degrees (0 to 360). I want to display wind direction in a user-friendly format such as N (North), NNE (North-northeast), NE (Northeast), ENE (East-Northeast), E (East), ESE (East-Southeast), SE (Southeast), SSE […]

Enchanted Kingdom (Philippines) – Updated 2012 Opening Time, Schedule, Entrance Fee, Ticket Prices, Promos, Location Map, Contact Number
Enchanted Kingdom, located in Santa Rosa, Laguna, is a theme park which serves as one of the most favorite destinations in the Philippines. In this page of my website, Enchanted Kingdom’s info should be completely posted soon including opening and closing hours, schedule for the coming months this year 2012, ticket prices, amount of other […]